[98] by "geo" ( on
Mon 30 Jan 2023 21:56:11

You're able to compose yourself while you suit up. It's stopped snowing, but you'll need to clear the fire pit of fresh fall. You take a small bundle from the woodpile; the winter's dragging out this year, so you can't spare too much. A small funeral pyre, and the bag is placed on top. With a heavy heart, you ignite the tower. The acrid smoke is tinged with caramel and artificial fruit notes, and it slowly drifts to the treeline and beyond.
Suddenly, the forest erupts in a cacophony of splintering wood and bestial roaring. The closest trees explode outwards towards you, and a massive creature emerges, all teeth, claws and fur, towering far above you. It sniffs noisily and voices its displeasure.

Run for cover behind the nearest snow drift. Retrieve your anti-wildlife handcannon from inside. |