Writing a new node!

You've reached a place in the story that doesn't have anything written for it yet! Your task (if you choose to accept it), is to continue the story, and provide two alternate choices for the player. Please take the time (you have exclusive access for 5 minutes) to write something interesting. Your node may be deleted if it is offensive or stupid.

Previous Node...

It's a tight scroll of plastic ribbon. You can see how the inner core of the jawbreaker was drilled out to accommodate the scroll. Unfurling it reveals a script you're not familiar with. Thanks to the marvels of modern technology, a free service quickly tells you what language it is and a translation of the text.

You really hope this isn't right. You try another service and get a completely different translation.

* "The maker has to add (mind/brain) chemicals to the product. Seek your scientists and help stop."

Your New Node...

(left option)
(right option)
(your name)

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