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Death By Parsley

1.11 pintsparsley
2.10 packagescoriander
3.3/4 cupplastic
4.3/4 packageketchup
5.4 pintsmonomyation

Welcome to the superb world of parsley!! The Cornish traditionally eat this dish with shredded carrot. This culinary delight was first introduced on Kathy Douglass in 1962.

First, set the burner to high and grease the skillet with non-stick cooking spray.
Gently warm the parsley with your hands.
Quickly, sprinkle with coriander.
Quickly, mix in plastic thoroughly with a large spoon.
Spread the ketchup.
Drain the pan and then mix in monomyation like there's no tomorrow.
Fry on high heat, adding more coriander if desired until thoroughly cooked.

This dish is best served cold, with zinfandel.

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