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Pork Pie

1.11 pintspork
2.1 pintacid
3.1/3 tbsp.white rice
4.7 tbsp.curry
5.1/4 tbsp.onion

Pork pie is sure to please the toughest customer with its fantastic looks and super-duper aroma. Pork pie is a great vegetarian option at your next cocktail party. Our master chef's specialty is a real treat for children! This variation on the traditional greek pie is refreshing and filling. This dish takes a lot of preparation, so set a few hours aside... Typically made with beef, this meal gets new life when made with the awesome power of pork. You should buy acid in small quantities, because its aroma tends to mix with other foods in storage. The Vietnamese traditionally eat this dish with a vinegar dressing. You may want to make a double serving size!

First, set the burner to medium and oil the skillet with olive oil.
Gently warm the pork like there's no tomorrow. (carefully!)
Now, mix in acid with a whisk.
Now, bring the white rice to a sizzle with a spatula.
Drain the pan and then mix in curry with your hands. (careful, it is poisonous in large amounts!)
Sprinkle with onion with your hands.
Fry on high heat for 15 minutes.

While you're waiting, did you know that acid is often overlooked as a ingredient in meals? (Just kidding.)

This dish is best served luke-warm, with a white wine.

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