toys toys

Go ahead and test out the toys. Some aren't quite finished, but that doesn't mean you can't play with 'em! Leave suggestions on the message board, if you please!

Escape - NEW! A mind-bending puzzle game with internet collaboration!
Scribble - The web's finest cooperative word game!
SICO - Chess versus the whole internet!
Muddle - A cooperative word puzzle, similar to Boggle(r).
Binary Fiction - A gigantic Choose-Your-Own Adventure game, where you help write the story for future players!
Collaborative Fiction - write with others around the world to create massive bodies of fiction.
Hangsnoot - Hang or save innocent snoots held hostage by fiendish wordsmiths!
Wuss Scales - You guess the outcome of celebrity battles to determine the biggest wuss of them all! Several different leagues, and lots more contestants!
Message Board - use this message board to report issues and make suggestions for the test games.

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