Who is the biggest douche in Skymall?

Who is the bigger douche?
The Thinker     or     Confident in Glasses ?

20,146 total matches played.
rank name - click for info won lost douche %
1. The Thinker 1130 699 61.78
2. In Charge of the Music 1117 713 61.03
3. Sass Moulavi, M.D. 1102 728 60.21
4. Seaside Date 1047 782 57.24
5. Poolside Bibliophile 1002 828 54.75
6. Karate Genius 999 831 54.59
7. Reclining Numbercruncher 990 840 54.09
8. Beauty Rest 964 866 52.67
9. Jeweler 930 900 50.81
10. Father/Kidnapper 929 901 50.76
11. I Have to Take This 925 905 50.54
12. Traveling Salesman 900 930 49.18
13. Cured Snorer 896 934 48.96
14. Man who can Sleep in Any Seat 872 958 47.65
15. Business Expert 871 958 47.62
16. Treatment Recipent 848 982 46.33
17. Woodsy Gentleman 803 1027 43.87
18. Confident in Glasses 802 1027 43.84
19. New Haircut 780 1049 42.64
20. John Q. Storus 768 1062 41.96
21. Got the Promotion 752 1077 41.11
22. Silver Medalist 700 1130 38.25

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